Psalms DAY 13

DAY 13 - Our Story

Psalm 107:10-22

Who’s story is Psalm 107 telling?

The NIV repeatedly uses the word “some” to introduce the four sections between v.4-32. However, that makes it sound like different groups. In fact, the Hebrew word would be better translated as “they,” which means these are all ways of talking about one group.

But which group? Psalm 107 retells the Exile story. There are two defining stories of the Old Testament: the Exodus and the Exile. One takes Israel into the Promised Land while one takes them out. The songwriter vividly describes his people’s tragedy: wandering hungry, weighed down with chains, wasting away nearly dead, working away chasing money.

Why did the Exile happen? Israel had a rebel streak that made them “prone to wander” as the old hymn puts it. Clearly, the psalmist identifies with his people, but this isn’t his story or their story alone. I’ve got that rebel streak, and so do you. We all do! The apostle Paul wrote in Romans 3:9 that “all [are] under the power of sin.” Then he quotes the Psalms to remind us that “there is no one righteous, not even one.”

The Psalm 107 story is OUR story! The details differ but we’ve got rebel hearts! We wander off from God. We’ve been weighed down, some by chains we made for ourselves, some by chains forced on us. Some of us have been near death. Some of us have wasted years chasing money while neglecting our soul.

Thank God that’s not the end of the story! There’s a pattern in these four pictures of exile: get in trouble, call for help, get saved. Each time the songwriter says, “Let them give thanks to the LORD for his unfailing love.” Thank you, God!

As the prayer-song comes to an end in v.33-41, he celebrates God as the master of Uno Reverse. God can undo any mess we make! God can always bring us back home to God! Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved! Thank you, God!

What’s a mess God has undone in your life?

Lord, I’ve sat in darkness. I’ve been foolish and suffered for it. Forgive my rebellious ways. But I cried to the LORD in my trouble, and you saved me from my distress. Thank you for your unfailing love! Amen.

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